Knives Etc Some of my collection


Mi Major General
MI.Net Member
Jul 10, 2016
Besides being a die-hard gun nut, I like good steel. As such, I collect mostly Puma knives with stag handles. In addition, I have a small assortment of automatic knives - also with stag.

In this grouping of automatic knives, top is a Puma, 2nd is a Hubertus, and the bottom 3 are Italian.

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These are heavy duty hunting knives. Top is a Puma "hirschfanger" or knife to kill a wounded deer.
Next is a Puma Bowie style. I don't mess with it much - should I accidentally drop it, I'd lose toes! 3rd down is a Puma "saufanger", or dedicated pig hunting knife. I made the bottom one myself. It was a large Bowie style kit I changed to a spear point frontiersman blade to go with a flintlock rifle I have. Shape was altered via much draw filing. Handle is sambar stag which as far as I know is illegal to import here now. German silver bolster and pommel hand filed to correct diameter.
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This is another view of the knife I made with a Puma pocket knife for size perspective. It's quite a robust blade capable of killing large game animals.
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These are a few of my misc. knives. Top is a German army knife made by Puma. Except it's from a small lot made for the civilian market and is quite collectible. 2nd down is a modern day German para "gravity" knife. I lucked into a group buy and got it for much less than the current pricing. #3 is a modern day Boy Scout style knife - this one is by Hubertus, I believe. Supposedly, the first boy scout knives were made on machinery used to make Hitler Youth knives during the war. I'm not able to confirm that. Bottom is a Puma "Duke" pocket knife with stag handles.
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Last is a small lot I just got via a close friend in Europe. German dress bajonet by Puma on top. The very small knife is an antique knife for hunting. I bought a pair, but the other seems to have wandered off after older daughter was here for a visit. Bottom two are a "stacked" set of Puma hunting knives that both fit in the sheath shown at the top. I need to research them - as far as I know, the set is uncommon. Since it's seen use, the collector value took a hit though.

Another pastime than keeps me too broke to smoke or drink! :cool:

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Nice stuff NebrHogger! I like the blade you made for self. And the original BW gravity knife, well color me jealous!! I've never came across one. It's one of my wet dreams when it comes to blades.