I am trying to find out the circumstances of the loss of three Centurion AVRE's during a two day period, in the build up to Granby. A question to the MOD under the freddom of information act has given some info but can anyone add to their reply
and a transcript because the electronic version is a bit scrambled!!
Mrs K Winmill LF Sec Ops 2b
Headquarters Land Forces
Erskine Barracks
Wiltshire SP2 0AG
E-mail: 01722 43 3138
01722 43 3138
Reference: LF Sec/1/37/6/51432
Date: 11 May 2009
Dear Mr Fincher
Request for Information - Case number: 20-04-2009-125246-005
Further to my letter to you of 6 May, I am now in a position to reply to your request concerning the Centurion AVRE incident.
There were 12 Centurion AVREs sent on Operation Granby of which 3 were lost in training in 2 separate incidents involving vehicle fires and subsequent detonation on in-board munitions. A single AVRE was destroyed in the first incident on 5 February 1991 and two were destroyed in the second incident on 6 February 1991. I have been unable to locate copies of any accident reports, however, it has been suggested that information might be found in the following 2 published documents:
The House of Commons Defence Committee, 10th Report 1990-91 Session;
Preliminary Lessons of Operation Granby (HMSO, 17 July 1991).
I attach a copy of a photograph of the second explosion from the 6 February incident which was provided by the Armoured Centre in Bovington. They believe that there were 4 injuries resulting from this explosion: 3 personnel sustained minor burns and one had a stone break the skin behind his knee.
I am sorry that I am unable to provide any further information on these incidents.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs K Winmill
LF Sec Ops 2b
and a transcript because the electronic version is a bit scrambled!!
Mrs K Winmill LF Sec Ops 2b
Headquarters Land Forces
Erskine Barracks
Wiltshire SP2 0AG
E-mail: 01722 43 3138
01722 43 3138
Reference: LF Sec/1/37/6/51432
Date: 11 May 2009
Dear Mr Fincher
Request for Information - Case number: 20-04-2009-125246-005
Further to my letter to you of 6 May, I am now in a position to reply to your request concerning the Centurion AVRE incident.
There were 12 Centurion AVREs sent on Operation Granby of which 3 were lost in training in 2 separate incidents involving vehicle fires and subsequent detonation on in-board munitions. A single AVRE was destroyed in the first incident on 5 February 1991 and two were destroyed in the second incident on 6 February 1991. I have been unable to locate copies of any accident reports, however, it has been suggested that information might be found in the following 2 published documents:
The House of Commons Defence Committee, 10th Report 1990-91 Session;
Preliminary Lessons of Operation Granby (HMSO, 17 July 1991).
I attach a copy of a photograph of the second explosion from the 6 February incident which was provided by the Armoured Centre in Bovington. They believe that there were 4 injuries resulting from this explosion: 3 personnel sustained minor burns and one had a stone break the skin behind his knee.
I am sorry that I am unable to provide any further information on these incidents.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs K Winmill
LF Sec Ops 2b
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