Intro Just Joined

David Semenske

Mi Recruit
MI.Net Member
Jun 12, 2016
I just joined the group after seeing pictures online of HMS Sirius being used as target practice. I remember that ship from when I was in the US Navy. I was on board it once visiting with some British sailors I met the night before. I wanted to post a video of my old ship USS LaSalle being used as target practice but could not figure out how to up load it. Any suggestions.
Hey David and welcome to MI.Net, sorry for the delay in getting back to you but because of time difference I was tucked up in bed :rolleyes:

In respect of your video is it already on Youtube?

We dont normally accept videos uploaded directly to our servers, but we can make an exception for something as unique as this.

The normal way of adding video to posts or to the gallery would be to insert the youtube address for the video into your post using the film strip icon in the text editor. You can also use Facebook and the lother listed services for your video link

See here

site embeds.webp

If you do not want to do that and the video footage is not too large I could upload it to our server (under your username) for you.
Welcome to David, glad you joined us and look forward to your posts and your video of course
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Nice to meet you David and a very warm welcome to you :D
Welcome matey glad to see you here. As the admin I dont usually post on the boards but an introduction is the one exception (oh and to tell people off from time to time :eek:)