Question? Is there a part on the forum for tech support?


Mi Sergeant Major
MI.Net Member
Aug 26, 2019
The site is not openning right on my iphone since yesterday. Thought it was a cookie & history thing but i clear them all and safari is also having trouble. Only parts of the website is loading. Only occurs on my iphone and not on notebook. tried with different conection as well (WIFI & 4G)
Only occurs on my iphone and not on notebook
It seems to me that as the issue is not replicated on both devices and the fact that all is well on my Iphone and @Jake84 Iphone that there would appear to be an issue with your Iphone device although I cant think of what that might be.
The site is not openning right on my iphone since yesterday. Thought it was a cookie & history thing but i clear them all and safari is also having trouble. Only parts of the website is loading. Only occurs on my iphone and not on notebook. tried with different conection as well (WIFI & 4G)
It's Apple telling you to get a new I-phone................ :rolleyes:
It seems to me that as the issue is not replicated on both devices and the fact that all is well on my Iphone and @Jake84 Iphone that there would appear to be an issue with your Iphone device although I cant think of what that might be.
Its an iphone 12 and my friend is using iphone 13 (we`re all on latest version) is having the same problem.
It looks like the top ad banner is causing this here in Brazil, I would guess. It also look network hungry trying to load the page & ad.

Can you deactivate the top ad banner for Brazil for an hour just to confirm it?
Same problem happens in Safari. Already tried to reinstall chrome As well

@Jaguar can you confirm this strange behaviour on iphone?
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I don’t doubt whatever location you’re at in Brazil has a great fibre or Wifi, but I doubt it’s because of the ads Bombardier has left some space in here (as obnoxious as it is for every of us) because they mean some revenue for this Xenforo platform that definitely isn’t free for any site admin and owner.

Unfortunately, I don’t think the ads are the issue at hand here, because I can browse the site quickly enough while seeing them.

I’m on iPhone 11, using safari.
I don’t doubt whatever location you’re at in Brazil has a great fibre or Wifi, but I doubt it’s because of the ads Bombardier has left some space in here (as obnoxious as it is for every of us) because they mean some revenue for this Xenforo platform that definitely isn’t free for any site admin and owner.

Unfortunately, I don’t think the ads are the issue at hand here, because I can browse the site quickly enough while seeing them.

I’m on iPhone 11, using safari.
No problem, i know ads are important, I just wanted to test without them for an hour. I have an impression the top ad is messing around...
Its an iphone 12 and my friend is using iphone 13 (we`re all on latest version) is having the same problem.
It looks like the top ad banner is causing this here in Brazil, I would guess. It also look network hungry trying to load the page & ad.

Can you deactivate the top ad banner for Brazil for an hour just to confirm it?
Same problem happens in Safari. Already tried to reinstall chrome As well

@Jaguar can you confirm this strange behaviour on iphone?
Firefox (Y)
I've also had problems since yesterday, on an ipad. SW is uptodate. Really slow to load pages, often incomplete. Only is affected.
I'm on my PC writing this.
I've also had problems since yesterday, on an ipad. SW is uptodate. Really slow to load pages, often incomplete. Only is affected.
I'm on my PC writing this.
thanks, but still having this. On every iphone i test it and the same problem is there. it tries to load but crashed after 1 minute trying to load. only a partial MI page loads. Still think it could be the ad banner....
Yep same for me on my iPad and iPhone. Just patched both. It's only certain pages - for example page 1156 of the Russia-Ukraine thread opens fine, but page 1155 hangs for eternity.

Might be ads, might be the type of content on the page at a guess.
Are you guys still having the issues above?
Have you all tried installing the Free App from found in your member profile?
We dont have ads anymore so unlikely that is the issue if it still exists :)

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