Help Wanted


Sergeant Major
MI.Net Member
May 31, 2004

Information minister wanted immediately for insurgent activities under the direction of al Zarqawi in and around Iraq.

Duties will include, but will not be limited to, dissemination of information favorable to the insurgents. Examples would include video and pictures of bombings of Iraqis and coalition forces, highlighting coalition casualties and keeping the idea of coalition losses always in front of the public to the exclusion of any information that would be encouraging to supporters of coalition forces.

Under no circumstances would the successful candidate release information that would put the insurgents in a critical light. Examples would include not broadcasting information that 14 of Iraq’s provinces are peaceful, and, unfortunately not supportive of our insurgent tactics. Also it would not be advantageous to broadcast when improvements such as new schools and hospitals are opened in spite of our efforts. Currently these events do not draw much attention worldwide except for, to our great shame, al Jazeera and other Arab news organizations. Under no circumstances would the successful candidate let the public know that Iraqi deaths, in spite of all we can do, are still lower then under the previous regime.

The successful candidate must understand that the place of work must remain a secret and may be moved on short notice and on an emergency basis contingent on Iraqi and coalition military activities.

Additional compensation would be gratefully offered to the successful candidate that could get the coalition forces to announce a time table for withdrawal or create a loss of political will in the U. S. Congress such as existed during the Viet Nam War.

WAIT! This just in!

We must offer our humble apologies to all qualified candidates considering this position, it has been discovered that the job is being competently performed by ABC, CBS and NBC.
Get in there RW! Luckily, I don't get those channels but DO receive that insipid, politically & racially correct CNN Europe- apart from perhaps Wolf Blitzer, the worst programme I think I've ever seen. If those "anchor" types can be any more sickenly nice then I will blow up my TV!

Good one mate, so long as people keep snapping at these people then there is hope left. It's a good job you don't (or maybe you can) pick up the BBC - leftie dummed down hogwash - news for incompetents and for those with the attention span of a newt.
LOL, i have a video in English that sounds the praise of these people,

god you should see it it's full of bull, things like the American forces using mercs and burying the bodies of fallen coalition forces in the desert, so the number of casualties are hidden (Yawn).

it's 10 mins long about 20Mb in size.

You Might have to right click and save
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Hmm, he talks a good job blah,
I have no worries about people expressing their opinion, but this guy is no better than the people he is so clearly against. He used propaganda, and only tells the people his video is aimed at, what they need to see and hear, so that they will support his cause. He doesnt tell them about the proven peaceful life that Democarcy can bring. Iraq has been at war for many years in one form or another and if democracy, however it is initiated can give them a life of peace,then bring it on.
This fella has clearly got a massive grudge against the USA and the UK and wants peace loving people to help him in his personal ambition to achieve some selfish goal in defeating the coalition in Iraq.
Just my 2 pennies worth.

Footnote : what a complete Tosser :mad:
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