Photos Danish Military Photos

Danish helicopters in Mali have supported French forces in quickly deploying and retrieving them in connection with a major operation. 30th Sept 2020

Seahawk helicopter from the inspection ship Hvidbjørnen training in the Faroe Islands

22nd Sept 2020. Hercules transport aircraft in an emergency landing at the airport in Aalborg. No persons on board were injured. The transport plane had taken off from Aalborg when smoke developed on board. The plane turned around and landed safely in Aalborg.
Naval self propelled artillery ;)

Oto Melara 76mm naval gun used in most of the larger Danish Navy vessels. This one going for a doctors appointment before being reinstalled.
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The defence of Copenhagen. - 500 Years of ditch digging. Part One, inner defences.

A very short Google-maps guide to all the interesting places.

The best way to read this, is to open Google maps at the same time, and have a look at the sites. I will not dwell on historical details. Ask If you get curious.

I will try to include embarrassing rumors – which of course will have no reference to the real world….

King Christian 4th – around 1600, really got this party going. Most of this is his work. He was the true warrior-king of Denmark (well – not mentioning the Vikings).

In 1644 he was actually wounded by thirteen pieces of shrapnel when a cannon exploded on his ship “Trinity”. According to an old joke the king said to his manservant “Bring me my red jacket; I do not want the enemy to see me bleeding.” And a moment later “You better get my brown pants as well!”

Anyway, Copenhagen:

Note that the old city is just a mile across. On the right side, the gun-emplacements and the moat is this visible. On the left side, small irregular lakes indicate where the moat used to be (marked in yellow).


  • 1. The Royal Palace. A few years ago the Royal Guard was close to an armed rebellion when they had to switch from the Garand M1 to a M16-clone. All through the cold war, Russia still supplied black-bear-pelts used for the Guards special head dress. Thank you CCCP!
  • 2. Kastellet. The castle made to protect Copenhagen – Just to the right on the habour front you might find “the little Mermaid” (H. C. Andersen – look it up) – look to the right of the green umbrella. In streetview she is behind all the tourists. You will never find her.
  • 3. The kings own gardens for getting fresh vegetables in those days. Including the small castle “Rosenborg” where the Royal Guards live and the crownjewels are kept. The Guards still get free drinks at the local McDonalds when showing their ID (as they did in the times of Chr. IV).
  • 4. Orstedsparken. Traditionally where men meet in the dark, if they need certain services (men only). One of my enlisted men slept there for a night when his girlfriend kicked him out. Apparently the place is still buzzing. These days men of a certain religion go hunting there in the night with baseball-bats looking for victims. This is called being on “Gxx-safari”. Notice the weird shaped lake, last remnants of the old moat.
  • 5. Tivoli. The amusement park of Copenhagen. If you zoom in, you can see a ship of the line in the old moat. This is the Sct. George III. Now a restaurant. Apparently a ship/restaurant like this would cost you close to 3Mio USD in construction. That might explain the prices on the menu….
  • 6. King Christian 4th old Naval base, shipyard and Naval headquarter until 1992. A commission inspected the shipyard in 1991 and found the workers drunk, sleeping it off or repairing their own cars. The facility was closed later that year. Now you have to be rich to buy a condo in the Torpedo boat dock (the long building with large windows in the ceiling. That facility could service several torpedo-boats at the same time, docking inside the building for maintenance.
  • 7. The Elephant. This site is build on top of the old ship of the line “The Elephant” (early landfill). When Denmark gets a new royal child, the guns are fired from here. Close by, you will find the museum Frigate "PEDER SKRAM" who accidentally fired a Harpoon missile at a summerhouse-area in 1982. Everyone blamed the Captain, but apparently it was just a software-error.
  • 8. Christiania. An old army base. Go here for your dope. My taxi-driving-friend told me that tips are best in the evening, when people go to Christiania and you are asked to wait a few minutes, while they do their shopping. Notice how this area has no parking-lots as the inhabitants are extremely leftwing (hate cars, and pay only rudimentary tax). Of course they all have a car, and park those all over Christianshavn, which annoys the tax-paying citizens who live there. Fxxx those moaning capitalists!
  • 9. Just a lake. This is actually the sad leftovers of a lake. I would have used this as a moat, but I wasn’t hired as a moat-constructor back then…
  • 10. Parliament and the royal stables. The first (modern) policehorse (borrowed from Sweden) was housed here in the 90s. Apparently he was the most popular police-officer seen in years. (Not kidding – everybody loved him). He might be the only popular visitor from Sweden. Just kidding - we love you, Sweden!
  • 11. SAMs Bar. Just mentioning this because I had one unforgettable evening In the 90s with 23. SAS singing Karaoke. (Level 42). I have never in my life seen anyone drinking that heavy. And the next morning at 6, we would push a truck around for PT, while they were puking their guts out. I am glad we haven’t had a war with the UK since Admiral Nelson bombarded Copenhagen and stole our fleet.
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The defence of Copenhagen. – 150 years of more digging. Part Two, outer defences.

Well, after Admiral Nelson (the British, you know…) bombarded Copenhagen and stole our fleet, the city grew well beyond the old city-walls. A new defence was needed. After two wars with Germany (1848 GREAT VICTORY, 1864 HONORFULL SECOND PLACE) everyone could see the problem.

Now as everyone knows, all the important people live in the capital. They decided that Copenhagen needed better protection, just in case Germany, Britain or Sweden decided to attack.

(“Fort” means small castle or defensive position with walls in Danish).

1. Trekroner. Three coastelforts (1,2,3) made around 1890. Have a look in google maps – they are quite impressive. They were more or less made to protect Copenhagen against Admiral Nelson, who never returned.

2. Middelgrundsfortet. This fort housed a HAWK batteri for protecting the capital during the cold war. The last commander apparently made an agreement with his colleague on GOTLAND (Sweden, non NATO) that if Gotland started to fire their anti-air missiles east, it would be a sign that CCCP was attacking, and then Middelgrundsfortet would start firing missiles as well. As far as I remember, the fort is 37 meters (100feet) above sea level – all made by (and with! RIP) Swedish workers, starting from a depth of 7 meters.

3. Flakfortet.

4. Kongelundsfortet. Protecting the capital from the south. If you look 800 meters (2.500 feet) to the east, you will notice a white football. This is the WWII (german) lookout “CROCODILE”. Now, this might (according to WIKI) belong to the national defence intelligence service. The football may be the cause of the recent headline “Denmark is helping US to spy on European NATO-members”. Well – you are welcome US! Several smaller defensive positions were established in this area.

5. Dragør fort – Most southern of the eastern defences. Notice the traditional moat.

6. Vestvolden (“The western rampart”) 14 km long – including gun-emplacements, and underground ammo-storage. It includes the “Ejbybunkeren”, the airdefence headquarters for Copenhagen during the cold war. (now open for the public).

7. The northern ring of forts. Starting with “Charlottenlund fort” (at “7” the easiest to find). It still has gun-emplacements. The rest of the forts can be hard to find on google maps, as the capital has enclosed them all in modern suburbs. The forts could support one another, and large parts of this area was very wet, for even better defence.

8. The old shooting range. This Is the old shooting range of Copenhagen. Used for close to a thousand years (well, not that close). When the price of land got high enough, this area had to be cleansed of old ammunition. A few friends of mine spend their youth there, as part of the Engineer Corps penal battalion (actually just a platoon). Each time a new lieutenant showed up, one of the old guard would walk up to him with an old smoking phosphor grenade (hit them hard at the right spot and they start producing smoke). “Hey Boss, what are we supposed to do with this.” It usually resulted in the whole area being evacuated. ;)

The western rampart and the forts were manned by 50.000 soldiers during the first world war, but the war never reached the capital (or Denmark).

LYNGBY FORT - during its construction around 1890.

More photos can be found here:
@Bravo ZULU
Lockeed Martin had TOM FREEMAN paint a picture of the IVER HUITFELT-class - but I cannot find it again. I will try to post a photo here, when I eventually do. Mr. Freeman is one of the best naval painters I have seen.
@Bravo ZULU
Lockeed Martin had TOM FREEMAN paint a picture of the IVER HUITFELT-class - but I cannot find it again. I will try to post a photo here, when I eventually do. Mr. Freeman is one of the best naval painters I have seen.
He is indeed one of the best (Y)
1991 - two (almost) second lieutenants inspect the M41-DK1 heavily upgraded Walker Bulldog.
This light tank was used by RECON units on Sealand up to 1998.
A friend of mine was a gunner on one of those, and always won any kind of videogame we could put in front of him!

RIP Konstabel Sophia Bruun June 1, 2010 KIA Afghanistan​

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