The Greek Cypriots operated a total of 38-39 Russian-made T-34/85 tanks that were acquired from Soviet Union and delivered via Egypt in 1964–65. These tanks were supplied to the 23ΕΜΑ Medium Tank Battalion, with the main base at Kokkinotrimithia, Kyrenia which is located at North of Cyprus and landing area/beach of Turkish army (this base was vacant at the time of the Turkish invasion, since tanks were needed in Nicosia for the 15 July coup).
Cypriot National Guard T-34's were entirely unique from all Soviet and Warsaw Pact countries in that they mounted the US M2 Browning .50cal machine gun, originally on the rear of the turret roof, on top of the ventilator domes. Some time before 1974, the armament was then moved forward to the front of the
turret, in front of the commanders cupola. The standard identifying marking was a dark blue square overlaid with a white cross, identical to that used by the Hellenic Army, and intended to show the obvious affinity of the indigenous population majority towards Hellenism, and to some extent, unionism with Greece(Enosis).
In order to realize this plan (Enosis : merger with Greece), on 15 July, they hit the city of Nicosia ( capital & center of Cyprus) togetter with their tanks from North to Capital. On 15 July, the president of Cyprus, fled to Malta. Some Cypriot generals arrested. 5 days later Turkey launch the operation Atilla and land on Kyrenia near HQ of 23ΕΜΑ Medium Tank Battalion.. The first landing of Turkish troops success Junta fails in Cyprus. After collapse of the Greek junta starts of peace talks in Geneve. Turkey could not get what they want at the table. On 14 August Turkey launched its "Second Peace Operation", which eventually resulted in the Turkish occupation of 37% of Cyprus. Second operation was accepted as an invasion...
In short, if the tanks did not goes to capital, Turkish troops would land infront of 3 dozen tanks with each has .50cal MG...
Logo of 23ΕΜΑ Medium Tank Battalion.
Captured HQ of 23ΕΜΑ Medium Tank Battalion.