Christmas In The Desert


Mi Lieutenant
MI.Net Member
Mar 10, 2004
This is the order that came through from General Sir Peter De La Billiere regarding celebrating Christmas in Saudia Arabia:

1. Christmas is a joyous occasion in which all ranks will wish to participate.

2. The celebration of Christmas will take place, bearing in mind the overriding need to maintain an operational profile.

3. Many of you will be aware that in the Holy Koran Jesus Christ is but a prophet. As such, it would offend Saudi Arabian sensibilities if the celebration of his birth were to be overt in any way in the presence of their nationals.

The forces are nothing if not precise! My Father was living in Bahrain and had 3 RAF guys round for X-mas lunch. In fact when I used to go out at Christmas time we'd always look after 2,3 or 4 RN personnel from the Armilla Patrol - get them pissed up, give them presents and generally make it feel as much as if it were home for them.

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