Hi Frisco.
Well we used to patrol in teams of 4 men, commonly known as 'bricks' we had 3 bricks which made up what we called a 'multiple'. A second Leiutenant would command one brick and either a Lance Bombardier or Bombardier would command the other 2, Obviously in theory the 2LT would command the entire multiple, but in practice this was not always the case, for obvious reasons.
We would carry enough food, ammo and sleeping and cooking equipment for about 5-6 days worth of patrol. The rucksacks would also contain some electronic counter measures (cant really go into that too much) but it was large, so some of the carriers kit would be shared around the brick.
The patrols were rural and in the case of Operation Loren were to show a prescence more than anything. However the patrols were designed to restrict our opponents movements throughout the area by use of Vehicle check points etc.
We were usually inserted by Chopper, either lynx, Puma or Chinook. Although on occasion we would use covert vehicles such as large vans, and usually only at night.
I never had a contact but the possibility was always there, I put that down to good patroling techniques Lol :mrgreen:
If we did have a contact then the call would be made and further troops would be deployed and would include some Helo support in the form of a Lynx with a 7.62mm Machine gun and no more than that.
Hope this answers your questions sufficiently buddy. :mrgreen: