
Queens Dragoon Guards

On accession of King James II to the throne on the 6th February, 1685, the regular army in England consisted of three troops of Life Guards, a regiment of Dragoons, two regiments of Foot Guards and five regiments of Infantry of the Line, which, with the garrison in regular pay amounted to 8,000 men.

Few months only had lapsed before the army was called upon to protect the King from the designs of disaffected subjects, who were excited to rebellion by, James Duke of Monmouth, natural son of King Charles II. The Duke of Monmouth sailed from Holland in the beginning of June, with three ships laden with arms and ammunition and on the 11th of that month landed with a small body of followers at Lyme, in Dorsetshire, where he set up his standard and invited the country people to join him. The King took active measures for opposing Monmouth's designs and troops of Horse and Dragoons were raised in almost every part of the kingdom, which were subsequently formed into regiments.

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