Powerjet w2/700 was a reaction jet engine,centrifugal flow. It was used in one of the early prototype Gloster meteor aircraft.
W2/700 Final development of W2 series. Flew in Meteor but Roll Royce Derwent chosen in preference.
Paradoxically, Power Jets is perhaps the least well known but most important British jet engine manufacturer. Power Jets was the company formed by Frank Whittle to develop his pioneering jet engine designs. Incorporated in March 1936, Power Jets comprised of Whittle, his friends Williams and Tinling who were to have a 49 percent share in the new company, and investment bankers Falk & Co. who held a 51 percent share.
In December 1942 a deal was struck with between Rover and Rolls Royce which saw the latter take over production of the W2B engine series. Previously, Power Jets had enjoyed a good relationship with Rolls Royce and although Power Jets wished to remain independant, it thought that a deal with Rolls Royce was preferable to one with Rover.
engine seen here at the Manchester Science and Industry museum, England.
Photo by webmaster