
Frog 7

  • Media owner Zofo
  • Date added
The FROG-7 is a member of the "Free Rocket Over Ground" family of unguided, spin-stabilized, short-range (battlefield support) artillery rockets. The rocket is of conventional single-stage design, with a cylindrical warhead of the same diameter as the rocket body, giving it a cleaner, more modern appearance than its predecessors. The FROG-7 has a range of 70 km and a 550 kg warhead, and an impact area of approximately 2.8 km long by 1.8 km wide. The FROG-7 is capable of delivering HE, nuclear, or chemical warheads. The FROG-7 gave the Soviet division commander a deep interdiction/penetration nuclear threat.
Zofo I'm sorry to correct you but this isn't a FROG-7, it is a FROG-4, or FROG-5 but definitely it's not a FROG-7. The FROG-7 is transported in a ZIL-135 8x8 wheeled vehicle and the FROG-4 & 5 have a tracked transporter erector launcher (TEL) based on the PT-76 light tank (also used as TEL for the FROG-2 & 3).

I can't assure you if they are 4 or 5 because the shape of the missile is similar in both versions.
I agree with l0r0nAr

The Zil-135 became one of the Soviet Unions most successful missile-launch vehicles, exported to Algeria, Egypt, Cuba, Iraq, North Korea, Yemen, Yugoslavia and many other countries. It was chosen to carry battlefield missile systems because its 8x8 configuration gives decent off-road mobility, and also because it is relatively cheap at around $25,000 (15,600) per vehicle.
The Frog 7 is the last unguided nuclear capable battlefield rocket produced by the Soviet Union, and has a range of up to 69 Km (43 Miles). The circular error probability of the rocket is 500-700m (1650-2300ft). Having entered service in 1965, FROG-7s are now mostly replaced in the Russian federation by the guided SS-21.


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