This is one of the U.S.Army Patches my father in law( Robert C. Henry) wore in W.W.II. He was with a tank destroyer unit in the philippines and other islands. One letter he wrote home stated they had been under fire on the front lines for 30 + days.
To cbetzing:
This is a patch of the U.S. Army's 66th division, activated in 1943 and deactivated in 1946. It saw action in southern France from 24Dec44 thru 10May45 in containing several thousand German soldiers who were defending the U-boat "pens" at L'Orient and St. Nazaire. It did not see action in the Pacific theatre. My father served in this division. See for more information.
Hi d.c.mccart
Cbetzing has not been online for somtime so I doubt he will respond to your post but thanks for the information.
I look forward to hearing more of your Dad and his exploits in the 66th Div (Y)
my father inlaw never served in anywhere except the pacific theater and this patch is on his uniform. it was a tank destoryer unit. so i think your wrong.
The patch is confirmed as 66th Division "Black Panthers" US Army, activated 1943 and deactivated only 2yrs later in 1945. I have found that the US Army 6th Division fought in the Philippines and @cbetzing FIL may have been a member of that division however, the patch is completely different.

There maybe a perfectly reasonable explanation for his FIL to have the patch on his uniform but without details of him or his service number it is a puzzle

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