Article Why do wombats poop cubes? Scientists may finally have the answer


Mi Colonel
MI.Net Member
Apr 30, 2019
You can't make this S**t up

(CNN)For years, scientists have been wondering why wombat poop is cube-shaped (yes, really). Now, they say they have got to the bottom of the mystery.
Bare-nosed wombats, or common wombats, can be found in the woodlands of hilly landscapes in south and southeastern Australia and in Tasmania.
The furry marsupials are renowned for producing distinctive, cuboid poop, which researchers believe they then disperse tactically in order to communicate with one another.

Now, scientists at the University of Tasmania have discovered more about the curious phenomenon.

Using laboratory testing and mathematical models, a team of researchers found there are two stiff and two flexible areas around the circumference of the wombat intestine. The intestine, at 33 feet long, is around 10 times the length of a wombat's body.
"This ability to form relatively uniform, clean cut faeces is unique in the animal kingdom," Scott Carver, a wildlife ecologist from the University of Tasmania, said in a statement.
"They place these faeces at prominent points in their home range, such as around a rock or a log, to communicate with each other. Our research found that these cubes are formed within the last 17 percent of the colon intestine," he said.
The researchers say the distinctive cube shape of wombat poop is caused as a result of the drying of the faeces in the colon, and muscular contractions, which form the uniform size and corners of the poop.

Carver said the discovery that the cubes are created inside a soft tube reveals "an entirely new way of manufacturing cubes," which could have implications for manufacturing, clinical pathology and digestive health.

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Truly magnificent.

To get to this point there must be selection for more boxy poop. I am lead to believe there is a wombat mating ritual where virile males present their poopoids to females with "I made these for you" followed by serious inspection.
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It’s an entirely different level of communication using poop.

It really puts human bullsh!t to shame.

Sometimes they sling poop at each other and at other times they S**t behind others back. When they care they really give a S**t...

Just near Brian's right hand, you can see why they pump out cubic scat.
What is the Australian animal that most resembles the Australian male?
The wombat, because he eats, roots, and leaves.