Admin What a milestone


Super Moderator
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Super Moderator
Apr 2, 2017
I'm not sure if anyone has realised as yet but our Russia/Ukraine Crisis thread has just topped 1,000,000 views.

I don't believe any other thread has gone close to that milestone.

Although there are differing opinions as to the quality of the content there has to be a reason for tipping this many views and I believe it is in the adult (mostly ?) way the thread conducts, the lack of abuse by posters and responders and the camaraderie of the site. Otherwise the thread would have sunk from view long ago.

Give yourselves a nice pat on the back, well done all (Y)

This thread also has gained more views because many former mpnet/TheMess people didn’t quite made the transition to this site though this is really at your own will and plenty of these prefer social medias nowadays (the horror) and eventually signed in and started posting here. A major event, I believe the Covid-19 thread is about the second most active on the site.

That is despite the suffering of the population, civilians and soldiers.

The last US election also went well, even though that’s one which had the potential to get nasty.

Re: Ukraine and Russia, outside of blatant trolls, and those have been a tiny minority. Considering the grave crimes, shelling of civilians and other documented atrocities I can tell it’s been, and still is going well.