Other Post Struggling


Mi Sergeant
MI.Net Member
Jan 14, 2006
Well folks, after an illusion of feeling sane and good about myself I am delving back into the ocean of demons I'm living with...
I've been told by the nurse at work that I have to start taking anti-depressants... oh joy... well I'm at a point where I will try anything that will help me keep my job.

I may not be on here a lot, I may not post much for a while, and I may not read a lot of posts on here, but I'm grateful knowing that there is a place out in the www that is safe for me to post on if I want to. Thank you all for making me feel safe here. You're some of the best men and women on the planet. sal;

I'll be back at some point, just not sure when... until then... take care.
Look after yourself ArcticWolf.

We will be glad to hear from you whenever you find the time to join us again and I believe I say that for us all on this site.

Agreed John.
Keep in touch AW (Y)
John A Silkstone said:
Look after yourself ArcticWolf.

We will be glad to hear from you whenever you find the time to join us again and I believe I say that for us all on this site.


Same here. Keep well, AW. (Y)
Much Thanks to You

I am in your debt for the good advice you have given me before, and most of all, for your compassion that you have shared with those like myself.
If I can help in any way, words or just to listen, don't hesitate to ask.
Respectfully and Semper Fi, Scott
John A Silkstone said:
Look after yourself ArcticWolf.

We will be glad to hear from you whenever you find the time to join us again and I believe I say that for us all on this site.


I'm with Silky on that.
AW, Please take good care of yourself. We all look forward to your posts here. All our thoughts and prayers are with you.
You take care too, AW.

I'm sure that whenever you feel you might want to just pop back in, people will be glad to see you, & for us just to be what you WANT us to be for you, until you come back properly, whether that be long or short.
Chin up! It's a big bad world we live in but you're right on the button with the folk here!

Edited to make my sentence make some sense!
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Thank you.

Thank you all for your support.
I'm now on meds - since this morning - but they won't kick in properly for another few weeks.

I'm getting lots of support from my friends in the 'real world' too. I'm blessed to have friends that have been with me through thick and thin half of my life. The only time I spend alone, it's by choice. My friends are spread over the world because that's where life has taken us, but keeping in touch has become a lot easier since we stopped relying on snail mail...

The past few days I've learnt some valuable lessons in online-friendship and betrayal of trust. The lies that are being spread about me on another forum could potentially end up here too. If that becomes the case, then I'm sorry. All I can ask is that you use your own judgement. From now on I will be extremely cautious about who I let into my life or help and what I tell them. I've always been too honest with people. But I can only be me, crazy or childish or naive and gullible as I may be at times.

As much as I respect everyone on this forum, I will from now on keep my distance and try not to reveal too much of myself or what my plans are. It's only been 7 months since I for the first time joined an online forum and already I'm cursing the day I did. I'm glad I found militaryimages though. Without my experience on here, I would never even look at a forum again.
disregard, 03Fox2/1
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Welcome back, AW - and I hope this continues to be a place where you feel safe. (Y)
This is as safe a place as I can make it, to date we have not experienced the crap that other forums have had to suffer.
I will say this, we should not have to endure blatant abuse, insults or anything similar, a difference of opinion is one thing but abuse is totally unacceptable. I will not hesitate to ban any member who is hell bent on abusing another member.
Nuff said, AW we will judge you from what you have written thus far, not what we are told by others on other forums. (Y)
AW, I for one can say, that the members on this site are not intrested in what others think, as we are all free thinking people here, and as such we treat people as we find them, as you state you been a member for over 7 months? (i think), and as such I have found you to be a true and honest member, the help you have shown to other member is exemplary.

if you need to talk i have PM,d you my telephone number.

Look after yourself.

Haven't been here long, and I don't know the story.
But I do have my share of PTSD troubles and have, with the help of my Wife and a friend, gotten to a place where I can cope well with the demons that haunt me.
Just know that there is a light at the end of it, if you feel the need you are very welcome to get in touch with me and I will do my best to help.
Sometimes just haveing someone outside your know circle to tell it to makes a great deal of difference in how you see it all.
In any event, I wish you speed and luck in your struggle.
Thank you all for your continued support.

I'm still not feeling all that well and I've avoided all forums since I was last on here.
My energy has been spent on getting through each day, especially work, since I only depend on myself.
I can't wait until the medication starts working. I hope it will be sooner rather than later... time will tell.
solthum Good luck AW .The best of things in your future. You are traveling on ground that I have been on and I still am. I call them my little magic pills, and my family will probably agree with that. I don't like what I have to do to get by , but I didn't like where I was at either. You will do OK. I find that if I don't have high hopes and expectations then when something happens or goes the wrong way , I don't get into the hole as deep as before. It is destiny and I can't control it, and that is the hard rope to swallow. Look forward to talking to you in the future . Get er' done mate.sal;
Your friends understand and your enemies don't matter.

100% right, look after yourself because aside from family, nobody else is likely to.
That's very sound advice and I will certainly take one day at a time, appreciating each day no matter how I feel.