Question? Recruitment Pic.1970's


Mi Private
MI.Net Member
Jul 2, 2007
This is a long shot but does anybody have the pic. (From Soldier FP I think) of the recruitment drive in 72-73. The pic shows a squaddie 'firing' a Charlie G. was me and I love to get hold of that picture again.
Thanks Bombardier,
I had a quick look and I will open them up later. Can't find it at first glance. maybe I'm just being big headed but I could have sworn it was on the FP.
I know that picture is about somewhere though.
Thanks again.
Hi eddiefrench,

You’re not being bigheaded, to get you picture on any front cover is a great achievement and well worth being proud off.

Military Recruitment Poster

I was wondering if anyone could help me find a Army recruitment poster that was made probably around 1975 ish. It is a poster that was made that has a father and his 3 sons in it. It was a poster that was made when my husband joined the army and his father and his 2 other brothers joined. If anyone could help finding it that would be great. Thank you.
I was wondering if anyone could help me find a Army recruitment poster that was made probably around 1975 ish. It is a poster that was made that has a father and his 3 sons in it. It was a poster that was made when my husband joined the army and his father and his 2 other brothers joined. If anyone could help finding it that would be great. Thank you.

Hello there - I am not a former soldier, but I think it would maybe of more help if you can supply any more info about the Regiment or Corps they served/joined, district of recruitment etc. Some of the members here might remember it though. Have you tried the Army direct? They might be able to assist. Best of luck with your search.