Mil News Police have recovered the body of an RAF serviceman


Mi General
MI.Net Member
Feb 29, 2004
Police have recovered the body of an RAF serviceman at an air base which was closed after a security alert.
A high-powered rifle was discovered near the body of Flight Sergeant Philip Herring, 40, at RAF Kinloss in the north east of Scotland.

The entire base was cordoned off after a man carrying a gun was reported near the main gates at 0400 BST.

The body was spotted by the crew of an RAF helicopter. Police said there were no suspicious circumstances.

A major search for the man had continued throughout the morning and local people were warned to stay indoors.

Roads around the station were shut and staff told not to report for work.

RAF Kinloss is home to a fleet of Nimrod aircraft. More than 3,000 personnel work on the base.

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