Funny Our father who art in Peril !


Mi Corporal
MI.Net Member
Sep 5, 2004
A small town in America suffered badly one night when a terrible storm broke through the levy. The town started to flood badly and the residents fled as the flood waters rose, save for the town priest who takes refuse in the top floor of the church.
A man wades over to the priest, and shouts up to him "Father, the waters are rising, come down and I'll carry you to safety. But the Lord's shepherd was not troubled, "fear not my son, God will save me"
The man shrugs and carries on his way.

The flood waters continue to rise so the man of the cloth takes to the church roof. A man in a canoe see's the stricken padre and shout's up "Father ! the flood waters are rising, jump down and I'll take you to safety" again the priest replies, " fear not my son, God will save me". The canoeist carries on a little worried for the priest.

An hour later the waters have risen again and the priest is now clinging to the church spire. A rescue helicopter see's this and swoops down. "Father , stay there we will rescue you and take you to safety" but the priest is resilient "fear not my son, God will save me".

So fearing the worst the helicopter leaves him clinging for dear life.

AN hour later the waters rise and the priest drowns. His spirit acends into heaven where he is met by Peter at the pearly gates. " ah father, we've been expecting you, go right in , God is waiting"

So in floats the priest and see's God before him. "God" said the priest " I served you on the alter faithfully for 25 years....why did you not save me?"

"SAVE YOU!!" cried God, " I sent a pedestrian, a canoe and a helicopter, what more did you want !!" :shock:
Good - people don't see things unless it bites them on the ass! I like that as a joke and as a moral for life! (Says he waxing lyrically!!!)
notworthy: notworthy: notworthy: rid: rid: rid: laughsol; laughsol;

I once had a canoist...canoeist... somebody in a canoe save me :mrgreen:
Bomber it was a rescue canoe with two seats....sheesh, come on try and keep up :roll: what, their called rowing boats?....oh yeh ! :mrgreen:

I would have made it topical by having a warship, but it wasn't deep enough !