Gadget, July 16, 1945:
Various views of shot Baker:
Operation Buster-Jangle, shot Easy, 31kt:
Operation Teapot, shot MET (Military Effect Tower), 22kt:
Supposed to be a standard effects test, LASL clandestinely substituted experimental U233/Pu core, thus undershot estimated yield by a third.
Operation "Снежок" (Snowball), RDS4 (40kt) airburst dropped from a Tu4, Totskoye test site, Orenburg Oblast, 1954:
Shot "Чаган" (White, in Mongol), 140kt underground nuclear test in Semipalatinsk, Khazakstan, January 15, 1965
The test gave birth to lake Chagan, also called lake Balapan (408m wide, 100 deep).
The purpose of the test was to study the application of nuclear explosion for civilian uses: creation of artificial lakes, canals, harbors. It was a copy the US program, Operation Plowshare, shot Sedan (104kt) in Nevada, July 1962