Mil News Not in my Backyard.


Mi Lieutenant
MI.Net Member
Dec 19, 2004
This sort of thing makes me feel sick.


You can fight for your country, but don't come and live here!
They should be ashamed of themselves, it feckin sickens me to think that British people have such a low regard for our injured soldiers and their families.

As Reloader says Snobbish B***tards!! :mad:
Anyone fancy a booze up and street party with singing and dancing and an all weekend disco.

I know just the place.

I Just hope and pray that none of these B******S cross my path:mad:uzi,
I wish the local newspaper could or would print the letters of protest, with names and addresses of the residents who object to this project. I am sorry for the troops and their families and angry and ashamed for the state of affairs that these unfriendly neighbors represent. Has the England that I remember from the early 60's changed this much ? Someone needs to remind them, "Hate the war, not the warrior".
Semper Fi
I think the England you knew is similar to the England of today, unfortunately incidents like this are now broadcast on many more types of media and as a result heard of more and more. Im sure they would have had similar incidents in the 60's and before that (Y)

Anyone fancy a booze up and street party with singing and dancing and an all weekend disco.

Im up for that Silky (Y)
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I read in the article that someone was worried that the character of the area would be destroyed. Well, is there any CHARACTER to destroy? Or, if there is CHARACTER, perhaps it should be destroyed.
Really don't have much to add that has already been said. I agree with what has been said.
Powerful sentiment, and rightly so. Thanks PsyWar (Y)
We have been told to remove all the posters from around the Unit as it's against Queens Regs.rbo;

So someone sent a gobal email to the Station with the poster attached, the only problem is, the RAF Police are now taking to them. (ps it's not me):eek:
:eek: Well the one thing I do like about being retired Military, I can practise some of that freedom of speech I was defending, It used to irk me to no end when we were told to shut our cakeholes on the issues.

Cheers, Bobsal;
We have been told to remove all the posters from around the Unit as it's against Queens Regs.rbo;

So someone sent a gobal email to the Station with the poster attached, the only problem is, the RAF Police are now taking to them. (ps it's not me):eek:

Sorry to hear that Matzos but at least it was for a good cause ;) The Mole Valley District Council approved the SSAFA application tonight.

Thanks for all the support.
Thats really great news but it shouldnt have required a fight to get it.