Photos Navies Of All Nations

USS Oscar Austin (DDG 79) leaving St. John's, Newfoundland. August 24, 2023

USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) anchored off Antalya, Turkey. 25 August 2023.

Ticonderoga class cruiser USS Shiloh (CG-67) getting her forward 5 inch gun worked on. Yokosuka, Japan. 24 Aug 2023
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USS Wasp (Essex-class) taking white water over the bow in a typhoon south of Japan, 25 Aug 1945. She would soon take green water over the bow that collapsed 35 feet of the flight deck.

Aquitaine-class FREMM frigate Lorraine (D657). Sea trials, June 2022


Japan & Australia:
Izumo class light aircraft carrier JS Izumo (DDH-183), Murasame-class destroyer JS Samidare (DD-106) sail in company with Canberra class landing helicopter dock HMAS Canberra (L02) and ANZAC class frigate HMAS ANZAC (FFH150) during Indo-Pacific Endeavour 2023. Aug 23, 2023

ANZAC class frigate HMAS ANZAC (FFH 150) takes on fuel from Izumo class light aircraft carrier JS Izumo (DDH 183) Aug 25, 2023
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LT William's' depth bombs strike the water. Dense black smoke aft is the result of strafing.

Type IXC/40 U-boat U-185 sinking after being attacked by U.S. Navy aircraft. 24 August 1943

U-604, badly damaged by aircraft attacks, was scuttled by her crew 11 August 1943 some 900 miles off Natal, in approximate position 05° S., 20° W. The crew then boarded U-185 which was standing by. Two days later, one half of U-604’s crew was transferred from U-185 to U-Emmermann [U-172].
Eleven days later, 24 August, U-185 herself was sunk, by aircraft from U.S.S. Core, southwest of the Azores, in approximate position 27° N., 37° 06’ W. She was homeward bound at the time, with half of the crew of U-604 still aboard.
Thirty-six men were rescued by U.S.S. Barker and transferred to U.S.S. Core. Nine of these were U-604 men. Of the 27 others – crew members of U-185 – 4 died at sea after rescue, of chlorine gas poisoning.
And now according to the survivors:

Shortly after daybreak, 24 August, U-185 was sailing surfaced in approximate position 27° N., 37.06° W. Suddenly the bridge watch spotted two planes approaching, a fighter followed by a bomber. They gave the alarm. The fighter passed over in a strafing run from astern wounding the entire bridge watch. As Maus climbed up through the conning tower, his watch officer on the bridge attempted to tell him something but was too badly wounded to speak.
As [commanding officer] Maus stepped onto the bridge the bomber let go its depth charges. According to survivors, one exploded under the boat aft and another hit the 105-mm. gun forward. These two spelled U-185’s doom. The tanks on the port side were crushed and the pressure hull cracked. No. 1 battery was damaged. As Maus shouted down, asking if the boat was in diving condition, the engineer officer shouted back: “Everything’s smashed…. Batteries.…chlorine!” (“Alles Kaput….Batterie….Chlor!”)
Maus immediately ordered the crew to put on life belts and come topside. Chlorine gas formed quickly as sea water rushed into the battery compartment under the officer’s quarters, forward of the control room. As the Diesels still were running, the gas was sucked through the boat to the engine room. Several men died at their stations. All those who were able climbed to the bridge.
Meanwhile, in the bow compartment, a strange drama was being enacted. According to survivors, Höltring [U-604's commanding officer] was in his bunk in the officers’ quarters, with his pistol, as always, close at hand when the attack began. In the bow compartment lay a member of U-185’s crew with a bullet wound in his leg, sustained in a previous action. Unable to walk, he was trapped as chlorine gas to spread. Seeing Höltring rush into the bow compartment with his pistol in hand, the youth cried to Höltring to shoot him. According to survivors accounts, Höltring shot and killed the boy, then shot himself through the head.
On the bridge, Maus saw his boat sinking slowly by the stern. The air supply for blowing gave out and the list to port increased. Planes flew in again, strafing the men who were gathered around the bridge and conning tower. U-185 was still making way as she went under, sweeping her survivors into the sea.
Maus did his best to keep his men about him in the water and at the same time shouted warnings to them, particularly those from U-604, about security: “We are all from the same boat. And under no circumstances say anything at all”.
Several men died of chlorine gas poisoning as they floated in their life belts. The engineer officer, who was exposed to the gas only a brief minute in the boat, gasped to Maus that he was barely able to breath. The engineer and three others died of gas poisoning after being rescued.
Planes continued to circle overhead. One of them signalled that help was coming. Some four hours later, U.S.S. Barker arrived and pulled 36 men from the water. They later were transferred to the carrier U.S.S. Core.
And now the Office of Naval Intelligence summary:

(O.N.I. Note: A TBF-1 and F4F-4 from U.S.S. Core sighted U-185 fully surfaced and reflecting the sun, at 0537Z 24 August 1943. The planes were at 7,000 feet, 3-4 miles distance from the U-boat, which was proceeding on course 330° T at 10-12 knots.
The planes sought cloud cover, from which they emerged to attack the U-boat from astern. The F4F-4 made a strafing run. The TBF-1 then approached from 350 astern on the starboard quarter, dropping 2 Mark 47 depth charges from 250 feet. The charges straddled the U-boat, the first exploding beneath the hull near the conning tower, the second exploding off the port bow.
The U-boat turned 90° to port, with dense black smoke trailing low off the conning tower, and began to settle by the stern. The F4F-4 made another strafing run from the U-boat’s starboard quarter.
U-185 made no more evasive turns and did not man her A/A guns. Three or four minutes later, another F4F and TBF from U.S.S. Core arrived and made strafing runs. When it was noted that the U-boat was in sinking condition, and that the men were in the water, bombs and machine-gun fire were withheld.
A relief TBF, dispatched from U.S.S. Core, guided U.S.S. Barker to the scene and covered her while she picked up survivors. U.S.S. Barker arrived at 1010Z.)
This was the fourth attack by Ensign Robert P. Williams on a U-boat in July and August 1943, and the third he sank with survivors (U-487, U-67, and U-185). The second attack, possibly against U-5271, did not sink the submarine.


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Mutsuki class destroyer Mutsuki off Shanghai, China, February 1932. The photo was taken from the USS Barker (DD-213).

Name ship of a class of twelve destroyers. Laid down 1924 and completed 1926. 1,336t(1,800t fl). 4x4.7in guns. 6x24in torpedo tubes. 37.25 kts. During WWII took part in the conquest of Wake Island and later the invasions of New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. During this period a twin 13.2mm MG mount was added forward of the bridge. During the Battle of the Coral Sea was assigned to the abortive Port Moresby invasion force. Participated in the bombardment of Henderson Field on Guadalcanal on 24 August 1942. The very next day, during the Battle of the Eastern Solomons, while assisting the damaged transport Kinryu Maru, she was hit and sunk by a bomb from a US Army B-17 in one of the rare instances of a warship at sea being sunk by high level bombing.
Okeanos (S-118), the world's sole Type 209 submarine upgraded with a AIP system.
3rd March 1961. HMS Ark Royal carries out cold weather flying trials in the Davis Strait, west of Greenland, following which she visited New York on her way back to the UK. Pictured is ice decorating her superstructure while steam from her catapults and the exhausts of her aircraft fog the decks. The unfortunate FAA deck personnel had to fight a constant battle against snow and ice to keep the aircraft flying.

Rothesay class (modified Type 12) frigate HMS Yarmouth (F101) off Den Helder, The Netherlands. 24 August 1973
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Turbine-class destroyer Zeffiro, in 1930
U-boat U-151 at Cherbourg, 1920. Designed as a long distance cargo sub it was converted into a long-range cruiser sub with 2x15 cm and 2x8.8 cm guns plus 2x50 cm bow torpedo tubes. Taken by France at the war end it was sunk as a target in mid 1921

In the background French submarines Fructidor and Thermidor
Adua-class submarine Gondar on the surface, after an eleven-hour hunt by Scott class destroyer HMAS Stuart, in the morning of 30 September 1940


The Gondar had sailed to perform Operation G.A. 2, the second operation meant to carry frogmen and their manned torpedoes (SLC) near Alexandria to mine shipping there; therefore it carried three SLC (in the pressure-sealed cylinders visible on the deck) and ten X MAS personnel (CV Mario Giorgini as commander, three two-men crews and three reserves). As it sailed, the submarine was redirected to Tobruk, as the RM got notice that the Mediterranean Fleet had sortied and therefore Alexandria was devoid of targets.

In the night of 29 November, the Gondar chanced upon HMAS Stuart, that picked her up on her ASDIC; thus began an eleven hour hunt (joined in the morning by a Short Sunderland, and at the very end by the British destroyer HMS Diamond), with the Italian submarine unable to shake off her pursuer and suffering more and more damage. In the end, her commander (Tenente di Vascello Francesco Brunetti) deemed the situation hopeless and ordered the submarine to surface, to be scuttled.

The Stuart opened fire but immediately ceased it as it was seen the crew was abandoning the boat; a party on a small boat was sent, hopefully to forestall the scuttling, but nothing could be done, and the Gondar slipped beneath the waves at h0925 (for other sources, h0950). Only one crewman was killed, Marinaio Elettricista Luigi Longobardi, who helped the commander scuttle the ship, but was killed by a bomb as he left the doomed submarine (he would receive a posthumous Medaglia d'Oro al Valor Militare).

Other than being a hard loss for the X MAS (that had lost a carrier submarine, three manned torpedoes, and ten men including her commander), this event first gave the British an inkling of the special operations the Italians were conducting, by examining pics such as these (where the SLC containers can be seen) and noticing the extra large crew captured, among which Capitano GN Elios Toschi, who had developed the SLC alongside Teseo Tesei.
Queen Elizabeth-class battleship HMS Barham. Here she is in her Mediterranean light grey and with awnings out. At the entrance to Suez Canal, Egypt in 1937
Omaha-class light cruiser USS Omaha (CL-4) as seen from Brooklyn-class light cruiser USS Philadelphia (CL-41), during the landings in Southern France, August 1944. In the distance are (from left to right): a French Navy destroyer, a French light cruiser, and Northampton-class cruiser USS Augusta (CA-31).
Clear images of the first PLAN Type 054B frigate recently launched at CSSC shipbuilding, Shanghi.Featured new back-to-back rotational phased array radar.
Santos Shipphotos - Santos Shiplovers

ARA Sarandi - D 13

Destroyer class Meko 360 H2

Armada República Argentina - Operação Fraterno XXXVI

Fotos: Gilsob Raphael e Canal Leandro LS - Itajaí, SC, 26/08/2023
The photo of the German cruiser Königsberg in 1936, taken from the United States ship identification files. The photo does a great job of showing the offset arrangement of the rear 15cm turrets.
Astute-class nuclear-powered attack submarine HMS Audacious (S-122) before rollout. Note the prominent hull-mounted Thales 2076 Flank Sonar Array. Audacious is the fourth Astute-class submarine. Her keel was laid down on 24 March 2009 at BAE Systems Submarine Solutions, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, U.K., formally named on 16 December 2016, launched on 28 April 2017 and commissioned on 23 September 2021.
Type 212A-class diesel-electric/AIP attack submarine (left) and Type 206A-class diesel-electric attack submarine.