Photos Machine Gun


Mi Private
MI.Net Member
Jan 3, 2014
Young US Marines were trained in the use of a machine gun
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This is a picture of a anti-materiel rifle (AM) .50 Not a Machine Gun.
It's Called a McMillan Tac-50
Seems our Friend Roger has posted a lot of Random and incorrectly titled images.
However I suppose that is why we are here, to put the record straight wherever we can. Nice one Droney
Here is a better picture of the weapon in question

Is that a regulation goatee?

"Anti Materiel Rifle" - a new term for me. I guess it's called that 'cause the round will obliterate whatever it hits and it's deployed tactically against defences (ie: cover) and hardware as well as personnel...
"Anti Materiel Rifle" - a new term for me. I guess it's called that 'cause the round will obliterate whatever it hits and it's deployed tactically against defences (ie: cover) and hardware as well as personnel..

It will go through an engine block at 1/2 a mile
Is it still against the Geneva Convention to use these (and other .50cal rifles) against unarmoured/dismounted troops? (as in, "troops not in an armoured vehicle")
As far as I am aware Holmesy the Geneva Convention does not quote specific sizes of bullets as being prohibited against human targets.
Perhaps it makes reference to a certain type of round fired by a 50 cal at a human target (dont know for sure though)

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