Other Post Changing an engine on a Canberra PR9


Mi Lieutenant
MI.Net Member
Dec 19, 2004
Changing one of the Rolls Royce RA25 Avon Mk.206 non-afterburning turbojets.

canberra engine01.webp

canberra engine02.webp

canberra engine03.webp

canberra engine04.webp

Very hot work...........
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No NAAFI's breaks anymore. :eek:

The lads worked from about 3pm until midnight that day. It's all well and good putting the engine in, you then have to ground run it to make sure it's ok.
Great pics mate ! :cool:
No NAAFI breaks?, what is the world coming to?
I used to love a NAAFI growler and Ketchup. :confused:
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I wish we had a NAAFI here or a Spar shop, as they are called now.
The nearest shop is a 15 minute car trip away. Then again the all ranks mess is open 24/7. Foods very good solthum

Bar opens a 19:30hrs and then closes at 22:00hrs, they are talking about starting a 2 can rule soon :mad: . We think it will start after the squadron departs back to the UK, thank god

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