Collectables Arisaka!


Mi Captain
MI.Net Member
Oct 4, 2023
I was helping a brother from another mother today, move some things and he needed my truck and hands to help with certain items. We took a break and and he showed me his paternal grandfather's rifle that he brought back from WW2. He was part of a quad .50 AA crew and he killed the Jap that it belonged to while in the Philippines helping to liberate it from them. It went to his father, who has recently passed and now he's going to ask the family whom wants it and it no one then he'll either keep or give to me. Their father was a father to me and pretty much unofficially adopted me so it would still be in the family so to speak.

Other than that family heirloom, it's also got something else and quite unique, an unobliterated thingy symbol on it and that's a rarity. So I figured to share. Not pictured was the Luger that his maternal grandfather had brought back from Europe. Pretty cool too but no backstory.

Yes I know that the rifle and bayonet need a cleaning and some stock restoration to get the dents out. Also, not sorry for my dirty truck or it being a Ford, it's a tool and not a shiny ornament badge with wheels plus these Fords aren't your 96 to 04 models either and it simply works end of story.



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