Admin A good example of what Mi.Net is about


Admin & Arbiter
Staff member
Site Admin
Jan 21, 2002
In 2010 our member @28th61st posted the attached photo. The image depicts Calton War memorial, Staffordshire. although it was viewed over 1000 times no information about the names on the memorial was forthcoming. 28th61st is in my opinion a true Stalwart when bringing the names of our fallen to life is concerned and although he knows how I feel about him, I have to say a massive well done for all your effort mate.

Anyway out of the blue I was contacted by David Swinscoe who has written a book about Calton soldiers titled ' Calton is my dwelling place' and contains photos and accounts of the lives of Calton soldiers. He was kind enough to provide some photos and information about the names on the memorial and brought those names to life. Thank you David, your help is much appreciated.

Take a look at the large photo (click the pic) and read the information of these chaps. This is part of what MI.Net is about and was created for, that is to say enlightening the user about the content of any military photograph uploaded. Brilliant stuff!

Calton Fallen - Staffordshire


Private Wilfred Barker 17545

7th Battalion North Staffordshire Regiment
wilfred barker.webp

Private Ernest Prime
Ernest Prime Pte.webp

Private F.T.C Payton

cpl frederick thomas croydon.webp
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The value of the internet should not be under estimated.
Great result bombardier :)
As you say Bombardier "Brings them to life"
They are not just names anymore, we can see the men behind the name.
Heroes one and all
