On this day 19 July Vietnam


Mi General
MI.Net Member
Feb 29, 2004
1964 President Khanh calls for expanding the war

On what the South Vietnamese call the "Day of Shame"--the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Geneva Accords that partitioned Vietnam--South Vietnamese Premier Nguyen Khanh, at a rally in Saigon, calls for an expansion of the war to North Vietnam. Ambassador Maxwell Taylor and other U.S. officials present declined comment on Khanh's position, but it was known that the United States regarded this as breaking an agreement to consult with Washington before issuing such a call.

1972 Peace talks resume

Washington and Hanoi announce that the private Paris peace talks have resumed. Henry Kissinger and North Vietnamese negotiator Le Duc Tho conferred for over six hours and, by mutual agreement, neither side revealed details of the meetings. The talks had been suspended when the North Vietnamese had launched their Nguyen Hue Offensive earlier in the year.

Though the peace talks resumed, heavy fighting continued in South Vietnam. A force of 8,000 to 10,000 South Vietnamese troops moved north toward the district capital at Hoi An in the communist-controlled Binh Dinh province. The troop movement marked the beginning of a counteroffensive in the coastal province to retake territory lost to the communists in the early days of the Nguyen Hue Offensive. Saigon's forces succeeded in taking Hoi An two days later, but lost the western half of the city one week after that.

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