Photos Photos of the US Army in the ETO

Men of the17th Armoured Engineer Battalion, 2nd Armoured Division in the Rue Monteglise, Barenton in Normandy. 10 AUG 1944.

Beneath the camouflage netting is a mobile control unit of the US 9th Air Force at an Advanced Landing Ground in Normandy, July 1944.
I believe the vehicle is a Chevrolet.
The controller was able to observe departing and arriving aircraft from the elevated position of his observation dome and platform, and with whom he would have been in contact via radio communications.
( LIFE / Morse)

Men of a US Army infantry division file into a briefing tent in one of the sealed-off and closely guarded assembly areas near the south coast of England, May 1944.
Creator: US official photographer.
Cource: © IWM EA 25409

This photo, taken Jan. 30, 1945, near Elsenborn, Belgium, shows Private Albert Hart (Methuen, Mass.) Using an empty K ration box to protect his rifle barrel from snow. This member of the 393rd Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, endured unbearable conditions and often faced death, but survived the war and returned to Massachusetts. Albert Hart died in January 1980 at the age of 56.

M4 Sherman tanks fitted with the T34 60-tube 4.5 inch Rocket Launcher (Calliope), on a road in Germany, 13 March 1945. Driver of the lead tank is identified as T/5 Stanley Nortavage of Company 'B', 702nd Tank Battalion (The Red Devils). The picture was taken in-between Wallendorf and Niedersgegen.

C-47 42-100519 'Captain & The Kids' S6-A from the 79th Troop Carrier Squadron, 436th Troop Carrier Group is ready on Membury Airfield's runway for what looks like a glider mission.
I do not have any information on the crew but the man standing in the centre has Captain's bars on his garrison cap and I believe it is Capt. Gordon G Smith.
Now this photograph is interesting as the glider in the background is a Horsa Glider which has invasion stripes painted. Since some of the crew of 519 are wearing flak vests and sporting Thompson machine guns, I believe this could well be an operational mission. If so, then the only operational glider mission flown with Horsa gliders was Mission Elmira Serial 32 during the D-Day invasion. So potentially it is indeed Capt. Smith's crew in the photograph preparing for their second mission on the 6th of June 1944.
Of note, 42-100519 would be flown by Capt. Ross Hanna during Op Varsity where she would be shot down on the 24th March 1945 by German Flak. All but the Navigator, 1st Lt. Robert T. Benton would survive bailing out.


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