
Winston Churchill

Was he the greatest leader in this countries history? I think so
Was he the greatest leader in this countries history? I think so
For English this man could be the greatest leader. But for me this is man who with another "great" leader FDR sold my country (not only my) Stalin in Jalta.
This was true Polar however, the (Western) allies to an extent still believed that after the war, Stalin would not be so much of a threat. As much as the "dissident" Soviets thought that after Nazism had been defeated there would be an end to the purges and political supression.
Bomber, heartily concur!
At Yaalta Stalin was interested above all to recognise east and Southeast-European countries as a Soviet sphere of interest and to determine the east border of Poland in favour of the Soviet Union at the so-called "Curzon line" Roosevelt and Churchill agreed this east border. The definition of the Polish west border was postponed, however Poland was promised a considerable area increase as compensation for the loss of its east areas. Polar, a lot of decisions were made during the second world war and post war too, it was impossible to please everybody in Europe so some of those decisions were not very popular ,but im sure they were not made lightly, and had overall peace in mind. Zofo I agree with your comments (Y)
Polar I understand your view (Y)
Question new Polish border was tragic for us but worse was that Churchill and Roosevelt agreed install in Poland comunist gouverment. They betray ally gouverment who was most loyal and never collaborate with Hitler like Stalin
They betray ally gouverment who was most loyal and never collaborate with Hitler like Stalin
Of course your right Polar it was a betrayal, but I dont think a deliberate one. It must have been made with other things in mind, im sure that our Government would not have made this decision if it could have been avoided. I know that did not help the Polish people at the time. I dont profess to be a politician and to know all the answers. Having run this web site for the last 18 months I can tell you that it is not easy to please all of the people all of the time.

big_guy - I agree he was agreat man and his thirst for greatness was there for all to see. he did make some huge mistakes as you say, but I do believe that his direct approach and his determination helped win the war.

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