
Where do I start?

  • Media owner Matzos
  • Date added
From the RAF Photographers photographic competition 2005
It's no fun doing snow clearing, I've done it a number of times when I was on a Squadron in Germany!

This shot looks like it was taken at RAF Waddington, that looks like an E3 AWAC parked in the background.
Clearing snow when its still snowing?, typical military.camo;
I remember having to clear leaves when they were falling faster than i could sweep them up rbo;
its Friday, 1400, January, Larkhill, snow about 2 feet deep, the boss Sgt major Taff Jenkins says " right you lot clear the snow from around the compound and then you can knock off" Ten of us pick up show shovels and start, just then the regt snow plow (a 4 Tonnie with a bulldozer blade on the front) happens to come around the corner, a quick word with the driver a mate of mine and hay presto job done in 5 Min's. back in to taff's office and his face was a picture when i said job done "can we knock off now" :)

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Photographic Competition 2005
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