
VL Pyry II

Finnish Air Force WWII. VL Pyry II advanced trainer in Luonetjrvi hangar in March 1943.
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VL Pyry Advanced Trainer – 40 ordered in early 1938
In 1936 it had been decided that in light of the rapid advances in aircraft technology and designs and the decision to purchase monoplane fighter aircraft for the first time, a newer monoplane Advanced Trainer was needed. In 1936 the Ilmavoimat had commissioned a design and a prototype from the State Aircraft Factory (VL) and in mid 1937 a prototype for the new advanced fighter trainer, the VL Pyry, was delivered. The first flight of the Pyry prototype was on 29 August 1937. The test program was completed by November 1937, with the aircraft proving to meet all the requirements.

The Ilmavoimat ordered a first series of 40 aircraft on 3 May 1938 and in August 1938, work began to convert the Viima production line over to produce the Pyry. Preparations had been underway since the order had been placed and the conversion was swift. Construction of the first Pyry started in October 1938 and the 40 aircraft ordered were delivered between December 1938 and June 1939.
The VL Pyry remained in use as an Advanced Trainer for the Ilmavoimat until 1962.

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