
Typhoon Mk1A

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I believe this is a Typhoon IA. The wing is clearly the thick Typhoon unit. The basis of the Tempest design was the replacement of the thick wing with one of much thinner section and better high speed and high altitude characteristics. To my knowledge no Tempest ever flew with the Typhoon wing. Note also the 3-bladed prop. In addition, the machine has the solid fairing aft of the cockpit seen only on the earliest of Typhoons and long gone before the Tempest flew. The original fairing was supplanted by a perspex fairing early in the Typhoon's operational career and eventually replaced entirely by a very clean bubble canopy that carried through to all operational Tempests.The aircraft appears to be unarmed though at that period (1941) the 12 machine gun 'A' wing armed the Typhoon. Lastly, the picture is labelled 1941 and the roundel style bears that out. The first Tempest did not fly until late 1942.
Possibly photographed at Air Fighting Development Unit, Duxford, UK, 1941-42
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Ahhhhh the Typhoon my most favourite Aircraft of this era. Wicked, I love it. Nice one buddy :)

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