
The Order of St. Vladimir (Russian)

The Order of St. Vladimir was founded, in 1782, by Catherine II. The Order of St. Vladimir was second in rank only to the Order of St. Andrew. It was awarded for zealous military service and feats of arms for thirty-five years or more of irreproachable civil service. The order had five classes: Its insignia was an enameled gold cross, an eight-pointed star, and a ribbon of red moire with black borders.
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This medal appears to be a Cross of the 4th Class with Swords

The order had four degrees and was awarded for continuous civil and military service. People who had been awarded with the St.Vladimir Order for military merits bore it with a special fold on the ribbon - "with a bow". There was a certain hierarchy of Russian Orders. According to this, the St. Vladimir Order, 1st Class was the second one (the first - St. George Order) by its significance. According to the Russian Law about the Nobility, people who were awarded with the St. Vladimir Order (each class) had had the rights of hereditary nobility until the Emperor's Decree of 1900 was issued. After this only three first classes of the Order gave such a right. Today, HIH Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, pretender to the Russian throne, and Head of the Russian Imperial House continues to award the Russian Imperial Order of Saint Vladimir as a dynastic order of knighthood. This is disputed by some historians and by some members of the Romanov Family Association.

First class of the order - A red cross with black and golden borders. The badge of the Order depended from a sash worn over the right shoulder, and a gold-and-silver eight-rayed star was fastened on the left chest.
Second class - The red cross on the neck and the star on the left chest.
Third class - The red cross of a smaller size on the neck.
Fourth class - The same on the left chest.

Awarded by Head of the House of Romanov
Dynastic Order
Royal house House of Romanov
Religious affiliation Russian Orthodox
Ribbon Black with a Red stripe in the middle.
Motto Benefit, Honour and Glory
Status Currently awarded
Sovereign Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna of Russia
Grades Knight/Dame Grand Cross
Knight/Dame Commander
Knight/Dame Officer

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