
The Cenotaph

This national memorial was first designed as a temporary wood and plaster sculpture for the Peace Day events of July 19, 1919. Then it was recreated as a permanent work in Portland stone. It commemorates the dead of World War One using abstract means rather than Christian iconography and is inscribed to "The Glorious Dead." It is located prominently in Whitehall, in the heart of London--near the Houses of Parliament, Horse Guards Parade Grounds, and Westminster Abbey. It has recently been the focus of anti-war protesters who have defaced the monument.

Picture taken 29-07-05 during a business trip to London.
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in my own opinion Anyone caught, defaceing any monument to any nations, war dead should be hung. :mad:
It's a sad reflection of the times, young people are not being educated enough about who we are as a nation & why it is necessary to remember and respect the people and events that these memorials commemorate. The namby-pamby bed-wetters have taken charge and are too busy filling their heads with ultra PC nonsense, instead of instilling in them that sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe in, just as those who have gone before us and are remembered here have done.
I would love to march past on rememberance day with all the veterans if anyone is up for this it could be a day out to remember days gone by

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