Swedish subs

Swedish subs in the Norwegian port of Stavanger 1935
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I believe these are first class submarines of the 'Draken' Class
Coincidentally there were three in this class of sub named 'draken' 'Gripen' and 'Ulven' I believe they are all seen here in this picture.
note the letters on the Conning towers
Just discovered that ' Ulven' was lost in a German minefield 16/4/1943

The names of the crew lost
Captain Eskil Gustav Hedelius
Lieutenant Lennart Westerlund,
Flag submarine officer William Jansson
submarine officer Tage ores
Flag submarine engineer Erik Lindgren,
Ensign Stig Liljegren,
submarine engineer John Olsson,
submarine engineer Nils Amboldt,
submarine engineer Gustav Roslund,
submarine engineer Arne Jnsson,
torpedo master Sven Andersson,
Sergeant Gosta Pettersson,
Sergeant Stig Greko,
Sergeant Brother Bjrkqvist,
Sergeant Bengt Nicklasson,
Sergeant Hjalmar Ekstrm,
Sergeant Nils Hallberg,
Sergeant Oskar Lindsj,
Sergeant Karl Nilsson
Sergeant Karl Bolander,
Sergeant Stone Jansson
Sailor Helge Larsson
sailor Karl Stromberg,
Sailor Ove Strmberg
Sailor Erik Flodin,
sailor Karl Lowenborg,
sailor Karl Rydberg
Sailor Ove Persson
sailor Karl Holm,
conscript Alf Utbult,
draftee Johan Andersson,
conscript Karl Andersson and
conscript Lars-Erik Tornberg,

Ulven was recovered in 1943 and all crew identified

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