
StuG 40 G

New German "Sturm" Sturmgeschtz III G assault tanks introducing in Finnish Army in Enso early June 1944
Actually now when i'm not under influence of beer, i can see that i have named these StuG III G when they actually are StuG 40 G. Please forgive me... :o
Here you can see StuG 40 and Leopard 2 A4 in an Army display in Finland:


Good day,

Both nomeclature are correct, although, the StuG 40 ausf G is more technically accurate. The SPV number for all G's is SdKfz 142/1. The 40 was also known as the StuG III Ausf G (early production). The smooth manlet is the late production version.

Thanks for the vid, nice to see the Sturmi up and running, and a laugh to watch the young pup show off. I know that StuG has lots of combat under it's belt, the Leo2 can't say that.

Cheers, Bob
That particular vehicle were on the last big battles in Tali-Ihantala (Karelian Isthmus) against Soviet Union and it was slightly damaged by Soviet tank round hitting it's tracks.
I've read some pretty interesting accounts of Finnish use of the StuG's, Brave and Effective Soldiers.

Cheers, Bob

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