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Simone Yoland RABET. Wren 29702 Women’s Royal Naval Service stationed at HMS St Angelo, shore Base, Malta. Born 14 October 1926 at Trinity, Jersey, Channel Island to Frank Ernest and Laurentine Albertine Rabet nee Carbonner. She was killed in a road traffic accident 27 October 1947 aged 21 years at on the M’dina Road, Attard, Malta and died of multiple severe skull and brain injuries. She was hit by a military van, driven carelessly and whilst drunk by L Stacey a Royal Armoured Service Corps driver. She was laid to rest in Mont-A-L’Abbe, New Jersey Cemetery, St Helier

Her father -
Frank Ernest RABET. (British) Airman 3rd Class 147159 Royal Air Force. Father William, labourer address Near Augres, Post Office, Trinity, Jersey, Channel Isles. Husband of Laurentine Albertine nee CARBONNER (French) He was aged 22 years and she was 23 years at the time of their marriage. They were the parents of Simone Yoland Rabet who was killed in Malta 1947. He enlisted into the army aged 20 years and 2 months on the 1 December 1915 and posted as Private B2503 to 903 Area Employment Coy, Civilian occupation prior to enlistment farm labour for Mrs Posson, Stirling Castle Farm, St Helliers, Jersey. Embarked at Folkstone 21 April 1916, disembarked 22nd at Etaples and marched into Infantry Base Depot the same day to await deployment. 5 May 1916 posted to 5th Entrenching Battalion in the field. 1 August 1916 he was posted to No 1 Aircraft Depot, Royal Flying Corps at Pont-de-l'Arche, France working in the engine repair shops. On the 15 March 1918 compulsory transfer to the Royal Flying Corps as Airman 3rd Class 147159. His disability. - Shell shock, deafness. Started August 1916 while in action at the Somme Battle

His army record can be seen on British Army WWI Pension Records 1914-1920, Ancestry.Co.UK

Photograph credited to a family tree on Ancestry.co.uk
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Simone Yolande RABET Identity Card.webp
File size
57.8 KB
Date taken
Sun, 05 May 2019 11:28 AM
851px x 505px

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