
Saladin Armoured Car

Built and employed by the British.more info please
Superb bit of kit - saw these deployed in the Middle East in late 60's early 70's by Brits - once again the natives were revolting!
These vehicles were introduced into British Service in 1959 as an Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicle.

Because high mobility was required the vehicle was designed to achieve a maximum speed of 45mph. It was powered by a Rolls Royce 8 cylinder engine. The vehicle was driven by all six wheels and steered using the front four. If one of the wheels was blown off the vehicle could still continue to operate. It was armed with a 76mm gun and had a three man crew.

By the 1970s the vehicle had become unsuitable for front line use. They were then relegated to second line duties including service with University Officer Cadet units and Yeomanry Regiments. They were replaced in the late 1970s by the Scorpion and Scimitar series, although some remained in service in Cyprus until the mid 1980s.

Built on the same chasis as the Saracen, and the Stalwart.

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