Pietro Badoglio Italian Military leader
Born 1871 - Died 1956
Badoglio was an Italian Field Marshal and veteran of Italys colonial wars having fought in disastrous campaign of 1896 in Ethiopia and in that of 1911-12 against Turkey in Libya.
He made a considerable reputation for himself during the World War I in fighting against Austrians on Isonzo where he planned and executed the capture of Monte Sabotino in August 1916. He negotiated the armistice at the end of the war. He was their Chief of Staff after the war. Governor of Libya 1928-33, commanded the army which annexed Ethiopia in 1935-6, and subsequently became Viceroy of Ethiopia.
He was reappointed Chief of Staff on Italys entry to World War II but resigned on the failure of the invasion of Greece in December 1940. Long an opponent of Mussolini, he was the principal instigator of the dictators downfall in 1943, and signed the armistice with the Allies in September. He became the first Prime Minister of the antifascist government.