
Pak 38

The Pak 38 was created in response to a need for an effective antitank gun which was foreseen as early as 1936. The weapon appeared in service in 1940, and during the bitter battles in Russia in the winter of 1941-42 it was the only pure antitank gun which was capable of defeating the Soviet T-34 tank. The weapon and its ballistics did well, with the gun being closely used to create the Kwk 42 L/60 tank gun, the BK5 aerial cannon, and the prototype Flak 214 AA gun. Even at the end of the war, this gun was capable of knocking out late-model T-34-85 and Sherman tanks, and was a respectable weapon. It was extremely light and handy for its power
The Pak 38 was a 5 Cm calibre (1.97inch).
Rheinmetall-Borsig began the design of this gun in 1938. The weapon entered service in 1940. It was a capable gun that remained in service to the end of the war.
As Droney says, this gun was the only gun capable of penetrating the armour of the Russians T-34 Tanks and that was mainly due to the use of Tungsten-cored AP40 ammo.
The employment of new light alloys in the carriage was the reason this gun was very light and easy to handle. The wheels had torsion bar suspension that was locked when the trails were split, creating a very stable gun platform.
Later in the war the Pak38 was also emplyed in aircraft as the Bordkanone 5 with automatic feed system, this was then the basis for the 5cm Flak 214 AA gun.
As an anti-tank gun the PAk 38 was also mounted on a number of self propelled carriages, including the 5cm Pak38 (SF) auf leichter selbstfahrlafette, the SdKfz 250 and the 5cm PaK 38 auf PzKpfw II nA.

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