HMS Southampton boarding party

  • Media owner Sparky
  • Date added
NATO gun running enforcement. HMS Southampton stop and search boarding party in training at HMS Cambridge 1994.
I'm 5 in from the left on the back row, just below the co-pilot.
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Hmm good point Fingers me ole chummy.
Sparky, how many did you fit into the lynx?. If I remember rightly we used to get 6 or maybe 8 in Northern Ireland. ;)

Is the Rn lynx any bigger than a pongo lynx?
Fingers, just 'cos you can't shoot ofor toffee, don't have a go at me. Oh and two of my ships were Guz based, I wasn't always a PFK !! You pasty chompin shandy.
We used to get 8 in the Lynx, and we were shuttled across in sticks..bummer if you're the first lot and the welcome wasn't friendly.
In answer to your question Bomber, no our Lynx are the same size as the pongo ones. I think the only real difference was most of yours have skids and ours have wheels.
Yeah I think we got 6 with Bergens. 3 bricks of 4 men would require 2 Lynx 6 in each. I am presuming that your boarding parties would not require that much kit with them and thus could get more in the helo ?

Hey sparky and Fingers, I love the leg pulling between you two. funny very funny (y)
Yep, we could get more in, the guards only had rifles, and wore assault troop life jackets ( as in the pictures), the only other kit was a cougar radio ( connected to the ships cougarbrite secure set) and the search kit for the searchers.

Bomber, I don't pull Fingers' leg, I hate to see a grown man cry .... Did you know if he's done 6 more months in the Navy he would have qualified as a sea cadet !

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