
Harold Leese in Jerusalem 1944

Harold Leese born 17th July 1921 at Astley Bridge, Bolton, Lancashire, England.
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Harold volunteered to join the Navy during WWII but was not accepted because he was on "War Work". He was later drafted into the army and completed his training with the Army training Corps which lasted 10 weeks.
On completion of his training, Harold was posted to the 2nd Battalion the Royal Scots Fusiliers.
At the beginning of November 1943 Harold was sent on Embarkation leave and on 6th November that year he was married. Two weeks later Harold was on his way to Egypt and Landed at Alexandria.
While in Alexandria, Harold was Lucky enough to spend some quality time with his elder Brother 'Edward' who was an officer in the Pioneer Corps. Harold remembers well the time he spent with Edward and recalls his brother looking after him while he was there.
Harold was later sent to Italy and describes how he joined his Battalion in Casserta shortly after the Battalion had crossed the river Garigliano sustaining heavy losses.(NB 2nd Battalion crossed the river in a fleet of DUKW's).
Harold was part of 260 men who reinforced the Battalion however the Battalion was still short of its full establishment.For the following month the Battalion held the line at Minturno.
On March 8th 1944 2nd Battlion landed at Anzio.

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Harold Leece and Anzio
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