Bundu Basher

Dr Jonas Malheiro Savimbi.

The 22nd of February 2006 was the fourth anniversary of the death of a great African nationalist and the leader of UNITA in Angola - Dr Jonas Malheiro Savimbi.

This is his grave...
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Sorry about the bad quality picture... but the only original I have is a thumbnail and that has been blown up to fit the minimum gallery requirements...

It is indeed sad that a 'great' (depending on whose side you fought) military leader and nationalist could be forgotten so quickly...

Ironically, there is a 'headstone' for his grave, but this just makes the whole thing even sadder
(This is the tree that you can see at the head of the mound in the original picture posted).​

As they say, it's tough in Africa.​

Dr Jonas Savimbi, fallen and nearly forgotten.​
but the only original I have is a thumbnail and that has been blown up to fit the minimum gallery requirements...

Image size requirements are set much higher now buddy ;)

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War Graves and Memorial Project
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Bundu Basher
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