
Battery C

Battery C, 11th Field Artillery Soldiers send a round skyward as they test-fire their howitzer during a point-fire calibration exercise at Forward Operating Base Courage. Photos by Sgt. Dennis Gravelle, 138th MPAD

MOSUL, Iraq (Mar. 6 2006) Battery C, 4th Battalion, 11th Field Artillery performed a series of artillery calibration fires from Forward Operating Base Courage, Mosul, Iraq Mar. 6.

The 11th FA conducted this mission to ensure accurate l fires for brigade operations.

The purpose of our mission today was to test the accuracy of our ammunition in case we need to fire a combat mission, said Staff Sgt. Brian Worstell, section chief, 4th Bn, 11th FA, based at Fort Wainwright, Alaska. We have to make sure we are shooting accurate rounds, we dont want to hurt anyone that isnt the enemy.

The M198 Howitzer Medium Towed Howitzer is a 155mm field artillery howitzer. It is constructed of aluminum and steel and has a maximum rate of fire of four rounds per minute.

According to unclassified military website, the M198 provides the user with a towed system that is air transportable, has a high reliability and availability while greatly increasing the effective range of towed weaponry. It provides significant improvements in lethality, range, reliability, and rapid emplacement and movement.

Its a very powerful weapon with a range of about 14 miles, said Sgt. Justin Wrightman, gunner and mechanic, Btry C, 4th Bn, 11th FA, and native of Boise, ID. I have the responsibility to lay and safe the gun and make sure all the data is correct so when we put rounds down range they hit the target.

Wrightman also said that the gun is very accurate. They practice to make sure they hit the target and not have any mishaps when called on to fire at the enemy.

According to Worstell, his fire team consists of eight Soldiers and each one plays a very important role getting the gun to operate effectively putting a lot of confidence in his team. I am responsible for the safe and accurate fire of everyone here, everything that happens with this Howitzer, good and bad, is my responsibility, Worstell said. In order for this to work smoothly I have to trust my Soldiers and I do, they are very professional.
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