A angle with the entire B-29 Superfortress in the frame at Chanute Airforce Base . Then the largest training center for the USAF . They specialized in a Firefighting school, B-52 training and maintanace,There were missle silo's on the base inside of B-17 hangers. During WW2 all Army Air Corp Bomber pilots especially B-17 Flying Fortresses were trained here. A friend of mine's dad was stationed there in WW2 and they lived on the base . He said he didn't know of any pictures ever being taken by his family, but he now wishes he had taken some. He says there were B-17's constantly in the air, at least one ever 5 minutes. He said graduation day was something else seeing hundreds of bombers fly over in formation. He was alittle cocky and like most of us he figured that the base and the hundreds of B-17's would be around for ever.