Photos Sm79 1/72 AIrfix 1967 kit


The Glue Sniffer
MI.Net Member
Apr 9, 2019
Hi Guys,

Recently I got this kit from a yard sales and it seem like it is with him for almost 20 years and when I opened the decals is all messed up, I tried putting in the sun for a few days with a coat of future but no joy
anyway. The kit was very basic and fairly simple to build, but there are catches tho the wing root need some filling and sanding also amount of plastic flash were just too much and also it wasn't yr typical thin flash but a rather thick one. The cockpit didn't sit very well and it was bit daunting and I have to apply some putty to give uniformity and even surface.
This was also my first attempt on major mottled camo it was fun doing tho I used Tamiya paints for it.
Decals, i didn't use all as some were really bad also the detail on it was mediocre and some crumbled away some too yellow after keeping outside for many days, if any of you have spare decals please do let me know. I would really happy to pay or trade.
Now here is the picture, hope it is looking good, any feedback welcome, cheers

Yes I really love the cammo job you've applied to it.
Thanks, Boss cheerrs
That's a very good representation of Italian "sand and spinach" camo as used in N Africa.
Thanks, Bud first time trying mottle camo so not so sure how well I did but you kind are kind enough to appreciate it and It means a lots
Excellent Job Tom ... i tried to do something similar using mr Hobby masking Sol ... it didn't work out the way i wanted it ... you did a far better job thani did on my italieri fiat