Admin Progressive web app


Admin & Arbiter
Staff member
Site Admin
Jan 21, 2002
Mobile first. We hear it again and again, and with over half of all web traffic coming from mobile devices, it's more important than ever to provide our mobile visitors with a great experience.

Of course, our site is built on a fully responsive design that gracefully adapts to any display size and makes using Mi.Net a pleasure on all devices, but now we're taking it a step further by enabling our site to become a progressive web app.

Progressive web what?

Okay, let's back up a little. Imagine a technology that allows a web site to appear and behave like an app without having to produce native code for each platform, or go through any vendor's App Store equivalent.

Progressive web apps, or PWAs, aim to bridge the gap between websites and native applications on both mobile and desktop devices using a series of emerging web standards. Push notifications, a feature we have, are a popular example of one such standard. we're expanding our support for these standards by making installable, implementing more graceful offline handling.

Our visitors and members will automatically be given the option to install the PWA 'app' on their device.

The precise details of the interface and the circumstances permitting installation can vary by browser and in some cases can depend on the degree of interaction with your site a user has had.

When browsing with Chrome on desktop or Android, the app can be installed via the address bar on both mobile and desktop devices. On supported mobile devices, we also display a conspicuous yet unobtrusive banner in the off-canvas menu.

Once the app is installed, it is readily available in exactly the same way as a native app. On mobile devices, that means it can be opened via an icon on the home screen. On desktop devices, it can be opened by searching your system or even pinning the app to your taskbar or dock.

The PWA specification and standards are constantly evolving. We will continue to monitor them as time goes on in order to always provide the best possible experience on all devices.

At this moment in time Safari on both macOS and iOS does not fully support Progressive web apps but this may change on the near future.

All of this is very new to me and as yet I have not been able to test the install as Browsers only check for updates to these values periodically. It may take up to 24 hours for the PWA to become active.

Lets see how it goes if it is decided it has no real purpose then nothing is lost as it is built into the system and has not incurred any cost.

If you are prompted to install the app and decided to give it a try please let me know how you get on, the software installed comes directly from us so no third party nonsense :)
Ok its live and seems to work perfectly

app pic1.jpg
app pic 2.jpg
Gonna take a bit of time to identify the benefits of this but it looks great and works very much like the main site on your browser
To get the app installed on your mobile device go to Mi.Net on your device browser

then click here

web app new.jpg

go to bottom of tab and click here

app pic1.jpg

takes seconds to install :)
Having played around with the app for a while it would seem to me that the most obvious benefits are
  • A convenient icon on your device home screen
  • It runs faster than if viewing the site via a device browser
  • It uses less data than if viewing in a device browser
The app is a work in progress and as time goes by more functions may become available.

I would say at this point though that it is a valuable addition to Mi.Net
I just tried browsing the site with Safari on iPhone and didn't see the app option. I'm guessing it's because IOS that I don't see it right?
Yes I think that is the case at present until ios start supporting pwa properly, this may be resolved in the next software update mate
No problem, will have to wait until IOS and Apple support that app, I’m keen too, only a shame those inferior android phones gets the honor first. ;)
Yes mate we are hoping that the issue will be corrected asap.

Just to highlight why an app is good for Mi.Net and its mobile device users, the image below shows our stats from today but it is usually very similar most of the time.

As you can see we have an almost 50 50 split between desktop users and mobile device users. Of course some of these will be IOS users viewing the site from a normal browser on their device

device cat.jpg
This app can also be installed on your desktop PC
I use Edge so the image below is showing where to find the app install link, so you will need to locate your app settings on any other browser like Chrome Etc

mi app.jpg
IOS now support our App

iOS 16.4 finally introduced push notifications for iOS devices. To facilitate this, you need to install the Mi.Net PWA (by utilising the Add to Home Screen feature in Safari). The App now satisfies all of the prerequisites for this to support push notifications which can be enabled once you log in through the PWA and enable push notifications in your Preferences.
