Politics EU Politics and News

Heard on the news yesterday (13 May 2024) in Romania that a massive Chinese Car manufacturing factory is to be opened in Hungary, so they can flood the EU with their crap products.
Orbán's plan is to sell the country to China in return for money - which can be stolen - in African fashion. Farmland, water ( that factory would be built in a place where it can only be produced by destroying the drinking water base. He wants a bunch of battery factories that the authorities will protect... the pollution from these factories is daily news. Solution: pass a law that this is not public data. The owner of Knai could shut down the monitoring wells, no consequences. A smear campaign or police action against the protesting citizens , organisations.
Orbán's plan is to sell the country to China in return for money - which can be stolen - in African fashion. Farmland, water ( that factory would be built in a place where it can only be produced by destroying the drinking water base. He wants a bunch of battery factories that the authorities will protect... the pollution from these factories is daily news. Solution: pass a law that this is not public data. The owner of Knai could shut down the monitoring wells, no consequences. A smear campaign or police action against the protesting citizens , organisations.
Another trick - the factory is being built with Hungarian state money and loans...
A battery factory was built in the village of Iváncsa with 160 billion forints of state aid - before that, of course, his stromans bought up the land, reclassified it as industrial land, and the state bought it at a brutal price...
Now, during the trial run, thousands of people have been fired from this factory.... no problem, I paid for it out of my taxes...

So when some of you here are fans of Trump, thoughts on that, I got twenty years out of one of these...

Fun fact we paid for the Lynx IFV factory in Zalaegerszeg, 60 billion, but so far about 5 have been assembled,,,,
This page doesn't exist.

Russian hackers have stolen valuable data from the Foreign Ministry's computers - the Orbán government covered it up​

An internal report, obtained by 444. hu shows the extent of Russian hacking operations targeting Hungary's Foreign Ministry. The document, written by the head of Hungary's signals intelligence agency in September 2021 reveals that Russian hackers successfully infiltrated the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Contrary to official statements, which downplayed the severity of the breach, the report suggests that the Orbán government engaged in a systematic cover-up.

"The Directory service, the mail service, the file server service, an unspecified number of user workstations, including the highest privileged administrator accounts, which serve Foreign Ministry's systems and handle user identification and privilege management, have been compromised. The total number of affected workstations and servers has been over 4,000 and 930 respectively," the report reads. "The recent attacks have been attributed to APT 28 (Russian, GRU) and APT 29 (Russian, FSB v. SVR) through attack attributes." (The abbreviation APT refers to 'advanced persistent threat'. This designation is given to hacker groups, typically state or state-sponsored.)

Two years ago Direkt36 wrote an investigative piece on the security breach in which they revealed that Russian state actors hacked into the Hungarian Foreign Ministry’s network and even a secure network that transmits classified information. The report also stated that recurring cyberattacks over the past ten years have not been successfully countered by the Orban government. The Ministry and several Fidesz politicians denied these reports at the time.

Orban holds phone talks with Zelensky​

Last week, Hungary's far-right Prime Minister Viktor Orbán held a phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. According to Orbán’s press secretary, Bertalan Havasi, the primary reason for the call was to “review all important elements of Hungarian-Ukrainian relations.” Havasi noted that a significant topic of discussion was “the issue of war and peace.”

Zelensky took to Twitter/X: "We coordinated next steps to resolve the full range of bilateral issues in a mutually beneficial manner. We also discussed Ukraine’s EU integration.,” adding that they also touched on Ukraine’s aspirations for EU accession. “I am confident that Ukraine's swift accession to the EU will benefit both of our states,” Zelensky remarked. Orbán and Zelensky have not conducted a bilateral meeting in person for some time.

The Hungarian government wants to set up a military intelligence center in Chad​

Hungary is planning to establish a military intelligence center in Chad, sparking concerns among EU and NATO allies that the facility could advance Russian interests, investigative outlet VSquare reports. Citing a Central European government official, the report suggests that Hungary's stated goals of “counter-terrorism and migration control” in the African nation are merely a facade.

“Since Prigozhin’s death and the disintegration of the Wagner group, Russia has lost some influence in Africa. We fear that this Hungarian military intelligence center could potentially serve Russian interests,” the official said. The source added that Kremlin figures, such as Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s prominent envoy in Africa, might have encouraged Hungary's actions.

Representatives from NATO and the EU informed VSquare that the Hungarian mission is not affiliated with NATO, the EU, or the UN, and was undertaken without coordination with NATO.

Company linked to Ádám Matolcsy buys luxury estate in Dubai​

A luxury apartment in Dubai was bought for more than a billion forints by a company linked to the immediate circles of Ádám Matolcsy, the son of central bank governor György Matolcsy, investigative outlet Direkt36 reports. The apartment is located on the ninth floor of the One at Palm Jumeirah luxury condominium.

The investigation reveals that Future Holding Limited's contact details are linked to a company founded by Ádám Matolcsy and his ex-wife who was married to him at the time of the transaction.

The owner of the apartment gave an email address ending in glamorous. hu, which was most likely used by Tímea Matolcsy, then wife of Ádám Matolcsy, at the time of the transaction. The domain was registered by Glamorous Kft., which has since ceased to exist but was owned by Ádám Matolcsy at the time. The leaked data shows that Future Holding received a 40 percent discount on the purchase price of the apartment, which was still under construction at the time, and which could have been close to 2 billion Hungarian forints.

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Remember that ship that sunk near the Azores back in 2022 with 4000 cars onboard?
Well , most likely it was a Porsche EV that catched fire

What ppl fail to understand is that many times the batteries of those cars do not cool off as fast or as efficiently as they should, and once one incendiates you have a domino effect
Doesn’t matter if it is chinese, german or martian. It’s a problem that effects ALL current EVs. You might get lucky...or not.
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Europe is ruled by cowards and the UN is a useless joke for employees to fill up their pockets.
Remember that ship that sunk near the Azores back in 2022 with 4000 cars onboard?
Well , most likely it was a Porsche EV that catched fire

What ppl fail to understand is that many times the batteries of those cars do not cool off as fast or as efficiently as they should, and once one incendiates you have a domino effect
Doesn’t matter if it is chinese, german or martian. It’s a problem that effects ALL current EVs. You might get lucky...or not.
We also know nearly everything constructed in/outside by the Peoples Republic of Covid is prone to fail, be cheap quality from the get go, be it roads, rail, dams, buildings electrical equipment so on and so forth!
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Sorry, that's a ridiculous take. Dozens of heads of state from Europe and beyond offered condolences. In most cases, it's just diplomatic blahblah. Linking that to a foreign policy matter is absurd.
We also know nearly everything constructed in/outside by the Peoples Republic of Covid is prone to fail, be cheap quality from the get go, be it roads, rail, dams, buildings electrical equipment so on and so forth!
You maybe right but they will take over.
Its just a matter of time. It might take 500 years but that is their objective.
Orbán's plan is to sell the country to China in return for money - which can be stolen - in African fashion. Farmland, water ( that factory would be built in a place where it can only be produced by destroying the drinking water base. He wants a bunch of battery factories that the authorities will protect... the pollution from these factories is daily news. Solution: pass a law that this is not public data. The owner of Knai could shut down the monitoring wells, no consequences. A smear campaign or police action against the protesting citizens , organisations.
I hear those batteries burn for a very long time, I wonder how good their fire fighters will be. Of course the answer is 150 percent tariffs by the free world.

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