Photos Your latest or Notable purchases


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Jan 21, 2002
Just bought myself some new race boots and gloves
Ordered online so should have them in about two days

Its a birthday treat from my wife and daughter

new gloves.webp
sidi race boots ST.webp
What do you race?
I dont race but ride a race bike occasionally taking her out on track days, the boots are more about the protection than the looks.
Here in the UK and probably everywhere else in the world we ride like every motorist is trying to kill us, its the only way to stay alive o_O
In a moment of weakness I bid on this Smith & Wesson performance center Model 625 in 45 auto caliber. I like it!! :D Took it out and murdered beer cans on a remote county road. Now to get a set of grips that are a trifle more "subdued". ;)

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Lovin the look of that gun mate, but agree the grips need to go :)
A really cheap (less than 100$) 500mm with a 2X and a T mount to Sony E mount for my Sony A6500. Thanks to the IBIS on the camera, I can shot handheld at 500mm, but not at 1000mm.

A mirror lens mounted on a mirrorless camera!

I feel your pain about people in cars "out to get you"! I was a motorcycle officer in my law enforcement days, and it sure felt like that to me at times! There was quite a bar fight in progress one evening and on my way over to help thump heads... er... I mean restore calm, I was going through an intersection. An elderly lady from my left side made a "rolling stop" and hit the gas. I *swear* I could read Buick on the hood ornament, she was so close to having me for a hood ornament! :eek:

I cranked on the gas a little harder & we missed a collision. It was at that moment I realized my destiny was probably not being a motorcycle officer! Driving trains worked out much better! :)
Believe it or not a snowboard was the last thing i brought.
I recently bought an M1 carbine clone. Why? I found ammo, magazines and reloading dies in a closet. I put the Hubble telescope on it in preparation for prairie dogs. It's actually accurate!

Also bought accessories for my Evil Black Rifle. Adjustable trigger, left hand safety, ergonomic grip and an improved scope. Also for whacking prairie dogs. They are considered vermin here. They ruin pasture, dig holes where horses or cattle can break a leg and can transmit bubonic plague. (really!)

It's easy to get permission from ranchers to shoot on their property as long as you promise to shoot hundreds of them.

scope 008 (1024x298).webp
ar2 001 (1024x768).webp