Despite their US uniforms, their distinctive "Casques tankistes" identify these men as members of a reconnaissance unit of the Free French 2eme Division d' Infanterie Marocaine with the US Fifth Army, San Angelo, Italy, December 1943.
The back-story is as follows:
US Under-Secretary of State for War, John J. McCloy, accompanied by Major-General John P. Lucas, Commander of the US VI Corps, were scheduled to formally meet General André Dody, Commander of the 2e Division Marocaine, before his troops moved up into the line to relieve the US 34th "Red Bull" Division.
Selected men from both the 2eme Division d' Infanterie Marocaine and US 34th Division were to provide the Honor Guard.
That is what these French officers were apparently discussing.
On the left is Chef d'escadron Turnier (XO) of the 3e RSM (3e Régiment de Spahis Marocain), 2e Division d'Infanterie Marocaine.